Give Back to Our Community This Winter

As we head into some of the chilliest weeks of winter, there’s much to be thankful for. Whether bundling up next to the fireplace or enjoying a cup of warm coffee in the morning, we cannot forget about the many people across our region who are not afforded these luxuries. It’s important to help others within our community, especially around this time of year, so don’t forget to give back whenever you can! If you go to purchase wool socks, pick up a pair for a local charity. If you have any old winter coats or sweaters, consider donating them. These small acts of kindness can make a big difference.

This month, we’ve pulled together some great local charities within the city of Philadelphia that are definitely worth learning about. Read on for more information and as always, contact our team if you’d like to learn more about any of the following organizations.

Cradles to Crayons

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, three in five Philadelphian children live in poverty. In fact, the city of Philadelphia has one of the highest poverty rates amongst the nation’s largest cities. An incredible organization, Cradles to Crayons provides children from birth through age 12, living in homeless or low-income situations, with the essential items they need. Items are supplied free of charge to recipients through donations and funding. Click here to learn more.

Youth Service, Inc.

Providing support and immediate shelter to children in need, Youth Service, Inc. offers Philadelphia’s only Crisis Nursery program and has served as the longest-standing shelter for runaway and homeless teens. Through shelter, counseling, and in-home support services, YSI reaches more than 4,000 clients annually, including many who live below the poverty level. There are so many ways to get involved and help children in need thanks to YSI. Whether looking to volunteer time, initiate a service project, or make a donation, click here to learn more.

Project HOME

In an effort to break the cycle of poverty, Project HOME is empowering Philadelphians to welcome their fullest potential. With housing, employment, healthcare, and aftercare programs available to children and adults, this nonprofit offers incredible resources and services to the community. You can show your support for this charity by donating resources or volunteering time. Click here for more information.

South Philly Punks with Lunch

Based in South Philadelphia, South Philly Punks with Lunch provides food, clothes, and life-sustaining supplies to those in need. This winter, they’ve set up stands throughout South Philly to offer warm clothes, harm reduction supplies, and outreach to the local community. Learn more by visiting their Instagram, here, or support the organization, here.

These are just a few of the many incredible charities within the Philadelphia region, so our team would love to hear from you with any additional organizations we should support!

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