Nigel & Co.

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My Eventful Sailing Trip to Palm Beach

We have successfully completed another fantastic voyage South! This trip was from the chilly climate of Newport, RI to the warm and illustrious Palm Beach, FL. 

While our trip was a success, we hit a major block along the way. Mother nature and a storm named after my wife, Nicole, unfortunately cut our journey short, and forced us to make a drastic last minute decision. With just over 1.5 days left on our journey, we decided to head into port in Charleston, South Carolina, and enjoy the calmness of land as the winds continued to pick up to a steady 25-30 knots, with swirling gusts north of 40 knots. That is a heavy wind load on any boat, and certainly could have been dangerous on a beautiful wooden sailing yacht.

We proudly made a great decision to NOT sail through a rough 30 hours or so, and enjoy some fine dining in Charleston on a concrete dock! Bravo to us. It was the best idea we have put our minds together to make since we decided that the Summerlads crew aboard the 1980’s 62’ Little Harbor yacht Summerland will likely make the trip from Newport to Charlestown every winter.  Until next time!