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Fitness Doesn't Have to Be Complicated!

Summer is here and there’s no better time to get moving! Here are just a few ways to get out and get going this season.

Go for a walk around the neighborhood

Walking is one of the best low-impact exercises for your body. To help prevent bloating and acid reflux, experts recommend taking a walk after dinner. So lace up those sneakers, and take an evening stroll around your neighborhood. This is also a great time to introduce yourself to those new neighbors!

Challenge your friends to a step contest

One of the best ways to hold yourself accountable is to get a fitness/accountability buddy. Be sure to choose someone who has similar goals to you that you can check in with frequently to not only notify them of your activity but also for motivation when you’re feeling a little sluggish. For some extra competition, challenge your friends to a step contest; set a prize, and whoever gets the most steps in that week wins! It’s a great way to motivate yourself and stay in touch with your friends. 

Walk to dinner instead of driving

Is your favorite restaurant close by? Try walking there (if it’s safe to do so)! Not only is this a great way to decrease traffic, but it’s also a great way to get that post-dinner exercise in. This also applies to your mid-afternoon coffee run! Not only will you be saving money on gas, but you will also feel better. 

Try a group fitness class

During the warmer months, it is very common for local fitness studios to offer outdoor classes or discount classes to expose new clients to the class. Take advantage of these offers! They’re a great way to get on a consistent routine, hold yourself accountable, and make new friends along the way. 

Get in a daily stretch

Yoga is another great low-impact way to get your body moving! I personally take classes online with a local Philadelphia friend Sculpere! By stretching your body, you are less likely to injure yourself both in strenuous and daily activities. If you prefer in-person classes, be sure to check out their Northern Liberties studio!

Switch out soft drinks for seltzer water

Seltzer water is an excellent choice for staying hydrated! The most prevalent health benefit of seltzer water is its lack of sugar and calories and can be a refreshing replacement for soda and other sugary drinks. 

Track your steps with a pedometer or smart band such as an Apple Watch or Oura ring!

We are fortunate to have multiple devices available to help us track our daily activity. From pedometers to apple watches, and even Oura Rings, we can use technology to help hold us accountable, and become the healthiest versions of ourselves. 

I love my Oura Ring and use it to not only track my activity, but also my sleeping patterns, heart rate, and my overall health. This incredibly smart device helps me perform my best. Interested in purchasing your own Oura Ring? Click here.